Specialties - Bubbles Up Divecenter - M'Pai Bay, Cambodia


Continue your adventures and get the skills and experience you need to dive the world’s best dive sites, with SSI advanced training programs. Whatever your passion is, we have an SSI Specialty for your needs, because you can choose from over 20 individual programs.

Examples of the specialties you can do with us:

  • Deep (mandatory)
  • Navigation (mandatory)
  • Night & Limited Visibility
  • Waves, Tides & Currents
  • Photo & Video
  • Perfect Buoyancy
  • Search & Recovery
  • Science Of Diving
  • React Right
  • Diver Stress & Rescue
  • And more!

When you complete a certain number of specialties, you’ll also automatically earn the SSI Specialty Diver, SSI Advanced Open Water Diver and SSI Master Diver ratings. These ratings display your competency and build a solid base for more adventures to come.


Dive Depth

18 or 30m


1-2 days


How long will my dive last for?


This one is tricky to answer because it depends on how quickly you breathe your air. Most people have some nerves before their first dive which means beginners use their air faster than experienced divers. Other factors also affect air consumption; body makeup, depth, fitness, sea conditions, how effectively you use your fins and even water temperature! Your first dive should be a minimum of 20 minutes and on average first dives usually range from 25 – 40 minutes but some first timers manage a full hour. You won’t know until you try but one thing’s for sure, your air consumption will improve the more you dive.

I am not much of a reader, will I manage the theory?


Yes. The SSI Open Water Diver course is designed to make it accessible to everyone, no matter what your preferred learning style is. The program is not just reading (although there is some), you will also be able to learn the theory through video presentations, practical demonstrations and practice skills.

We can also send the SSI course prior to going to the dive center, this way you can start learning before arriving at the island. We do require a deposit beforehand.

I have a pre-medical condition, can I still dive?


It depends on what pre-existence medical condition(s) you have, sometimes it is not safe to dive. It is good to visit your doctor if you want to participate in diving when you had/have a medical condition. There is a medical form that you need to fill in, prior to start a course or a try dive. Contact us if you are not sure and would like to receive the form ahead of time, so that you have time to make a doctor's appointment if necessary. 
Or click here to download the form.

What are the most common injuries or sicknesses associated with diving?


Sunburn, seasickness and dehydration, all of which are preventable, are the most common problems divers face. Injuries caused by marine life, such as scrapes and stings, do occur, but these can be avoided by wearing an exposure suit, staying off the bottom and watching where you put your hands and feet.

What does the course fee include?


The course fee includes equipment, learning materials, certification, boat for the courses and water refills. If you are staying in another part of the island, we might have to charge a pickup fee. It is easiest to stay in M'pai bay as we can spend more time practicing underwater and not traveling back and forth.

What is the difference between SSI and PADI?


In terms of dive training, there is very little difference between SSI and PADI. They both follow the diving standards set by WRSTC (World Recreational Scuba Training Council) meaning that knowledge and skill requirements are almost the same. Certifications at any level below Divemaster are interchangeable.

Bubbles Up decided to switch from PADI to SSI in May 2023. We got a great opportunity to become an SSI dive center and since then mainly teach SSI courses. The reason why we choose SSI is that we think it fits better with our philosophy regarding conservation (Blue Oceans and ecology programs), we upgraded our professional status, the online environment is better equipped and of course there is a financial aspect.
We are happy that we choose SSI as we get all the support we need, and we are one of two SSI training centers in Cambodia.
We are working hard to become the first SSI Instructor Training Center in the future.

Will there be dangerous marine life?


This depends entirely on where you are diving and what you understand by “dangerous”. In some areas there are corals or plants which may sting if you brush up against them. Most marine animals do not attack and have stingers for defensive reasons only. Your instructor will explain to you how to interact with marine life in an observatory way which means you will experience some great encounters with many wonderful species. The golden rule is not to touch anything – most humans would be annoyed if something they didn’t know came into their environment and poked them!

Book your dive

Ready to explore the underwater wonders of Koh Rong Sanloem? Complete the form below to book your dive or course, and we’ll confirm your reservation as soon as possible. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to call or message us – we’re here to help!

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M'pai Bay, Koh Rong Sanloem, Cambodia

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